

Page history last edited by cduprey1616@... 11 years ago



Welcome to the Creative Writing class wiki. As technology changes, so does our way of sharing information and stories. Within these pages you'll find classroom materials and writing prompts, brainstorming sessions and story starts. These pages are your "textbook" for the class.


NOTE: notice that the list below is not labled "Class One" or "Class Two" nor are the items labeled "Lesson One" or "Lesson Two". That is by design. Words are powerful and even though this is a half-credit course for high school credit, learning how to employ various writing skills is a process of discovery rather than a "class" or "lesson" to be taught. Some of these workshops are one class period long, others take two or three meetings as a group to accomplish.


You will need one other item for class: a paper notebook you can use as a journal. We think differently when we have a pencil or pen in hand than we do when sitting at a keyboard. In this class, you'll exercise both parts of your brain in order to create.


END GOAL: to create a publishable piece that will be collected in a single document and uploaded on a public site for the world to read. 


Getting started


Workshop 1 -- Rules? We need rules? (aka Who's your Muse?)

Workshop 2 -- Using a writing journal for more than passing notes in class

Workshop 3 -- Descriptive language and Collaborative Writing

Workshop 4 -- Flash fiction and counting words

Workshop 5 -- Inspiration? Where's that darn Muse when you need her?

Workshop 6 -- Using adjectives in all the right places

Workshop 7 -- Writing like we speak -or- Authenticity in dialogue -or- What was that again?

Workshop 8 -- The Power of Observation

Workshop 9 -- Playing with characters

Workshop 9A -- Character work

Workshop 10 -- Habit words

Workshop 11 -- Editing -or- Fixing more than just mechanics

Workshop 12 -- Showing vs Telling

Workshop 13 -- Inspiration Revisited

Workshop 14 -- Plotting vs. Pantsing

Workshop 15 -- The Great What If....

Workshop 16 -- Inspiration Revisted II

Workshop 17 -- The Mathmatics of Writing

Workshop 18 -- World Building

Workshop 19 -- The Thesaurus is your Best Friend -- or your Worst Enemy

Workshop 20 -- The Synopsis

Workshop 21 -- Copyright -- Who owns what you write?

Workshop 22 -- Digital copyright -- A changing landscape

Workshop 23 -- Types of Publishers

Workshop 24 -- Publishing -or- I finished the story, now what?


Writing prompts


Online tools


Writer's Cheat Sheet


Michael Stackpole post

Steven King on Imagery



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